RYA Powerboat Courses
Safety Boat Services
RYA/MCA Advanced CoC
If you want to skipper an MCA coded boat up to 24m in length 20 nautical miles from a safe haven you will need an MCA Commercial Advanced Powerboat Examination.
If you are considering taking the MCA Commercial Advanced Powerboat Examination in order to obtain a Commercial Endorsement you will need to produce the following items at the beginning of the MCA Exam:
Log book including RYA Powerboat Certification held + evidence of sea time / mileage*
RYA SRC/VHF Radio Operators Certificate
A valid First Aid Certificate
Personal Survival Techniques STCW95 or RYA Basic Sea Survival Certificate
RYA Professional Practicies and Responsibilities Certificate**
MCA ENG1 Medical Certificate
Online PPR
A passport sized photograph
RYA Commercial examination fee payable to the RYA
*Sea time equates to 2 years relevant experience including night pilotage. As a guide 30 days, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles, 12 night hours. With RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate the seatime is reduced to: 20 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles, 12 night hours.All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.
We usually try to make arrangements for an MCA Commercial Advanced Powerboat Examination to take place at our training centre at a time it suits you.
Exam fee : £189.00 payable to the examiner.