RYA Powerboat Courses
Safety Boat Services
Vessel/Boat Deliveries
Whether it be a short passage around the UK coast or a weeks run down to the Mediterranean, we can provide a professional, fully insured tailored service to suit.
Full insurance
MCA Masters
RYA or MCA Qualified Mates
Experienced crew
A copy of a detailed ‘Passage Plan’ for your own reference
Fixed, pre-agreed rate with no hidden charges.
References upon request.
Training for owners, family & friends during delivery passages.
Logistical management of departure and arrival ports / marinas.
We have provided deliveries of vessels for several offshore commercial work-boat companies to include vessel hand overs, new builds, onboard crew training whilst on passage etc.
Each year we provide temporary, relief, captains and crews for superyachts based in the Mediterranean whilst also certifying crews onboard under the RYA’s Powerboat & PWC scheme.