RYA Powerboat Courses
Safety Boat Services
A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence will enable you to work as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt in category 1 to 6 waters - that is up to 150 miles from a safe haven.
This Certificate of Competence can used commercially in its own right, or as a pre-requisite for the MCA's Officer of the Watch qualification, which enables you to work worldwide on vessels of up to 3000gt.
f you are considering taking the MCA Commercial Yachtmaster Offshore Examination in order to obtain a Commercial Endorsement you will need to produce the following items at the beginning of the MCA Exam:
RYA SRC/VHF Radio Operators Certificate
A valid First Aid Certificate
Personal Survival Techniques STCW95 or RYA Basic Sea Survival Certificate
RYA Professional Practicies and Responsibilities Certificate**
MCA ENG1 Medical Certificate
Online PPR
50 days, 2,500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages.
5 days experience as skipper.
At least half this mileage and passages must be conducted in tidal waters.
All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.
Exam fee:£220.00 Payable to the examiner.