RYA Powerboat Courses
Safety Boat Services

Develop your skills with our RYA Intermediate Powerboat
The RYA Intermediate Powerboat course is our mid level course. Clients include those that have completed their powerboat level 2 looking to progress through powerboating, existing boat owners and students who would like to charter (hire) a powerboat either in the UK or abroad.It is also a step up from the powerboat level 2.
Is the RYA Intermediate Powerboat course right for me?
The Intermedaite powerboat course is designed to give students an understanding of powerboating under the guidance of a highly experienced and qualified Advanced RYA powerboat instructor. This two day course focuses on developing your boat handling, safety and navigation skills. It is the perfect training course for students who have already completed the powerboat level 2 it is also suitable for seasoned powerboaters looking to consolidate their experience who are also looking to progress onto our adavnced powerboat course,or advanced CoC.
Previous experience?
Students will need to have completed the RYA powerboat level 2.
What will I learn?
This course is designed to bridge the gap between the RYA Level 2 Powerboat course and the RYA Advanced Powerboat course. The course aims to teach you to take the powerboat beyond just line of sight destinations and as such you will learn more about both traditional and modern navigational techniques including the use of GPS and chart plotters. You will spend time working on passage planning and pilotage skills which you will put into practice by completing a slightly longer coastal trip. The course will also work on improving the basic boat handling skills you acquired during Level 2 including some time spent considering handling slightly rougher conditions. Having successfully completed this course you will be confident to take a powerboat on slightly longer and more demanding trips and manoeuvre it in tighter confines.
Course Itinerary
True and magnetic bearings
Bearing and distance
Chart symbols
Tidal diamonds and tidal streams
Use of pilot books
Position lines
Use of marina locks
Latitude and longitude
The principles of GPS
Sources of forecast information and the interpretation of forecasts
Tidal heights at secondary ports
Use a plotting instrument and plot a course to steer (CTS)
Work out tidal heights for standard pors using a tidal curve
Interpret Lateral and Cardinal buoyage
Implement IRPCS, in particular rules 5,7,8,9,12-19,23
Use GPS waypoint navigation and determine XTE, SOG, COG, BTW, DTW
Use a laminated chart afloat
Use pilotage to enter an unfamiliar port by day
Explain how to make a VHF emergency call
The RYA Powerboat Intermediate Course Includes:
Dry Suit Hire
Use of top of the range MCA inspected RIBS 5m to 8.2m and fuel
Power Boat Intermediate certificate
Free tea and coffee
Course Costs
Course fee now only £350pp*
Course Location
Our RYA approved training centre is based at:
Liverpool Marina
Coburg wharf
L3 4BP